La mamma disperata ha chiesto aiuto ai carabinieri che lo hanno trasportato d'urgenza all'ospedale Santobono dove il bimbo è ricoverato.Continua a leggere
A 6-year-old boy in Napoli choked on a coin and was rushed to the Santobono hospital by carabinieri who assisted his distressed mother. Thankfully, the medical staff were able to remove the coin and the boy is now in stable condition.
The main conceptual idea is the importance of quick action and community support in a medical emergency.
A 6-year-old boy in Napoli choked on a coin and was rushed to the Santobono hospital by carabinieri who assisted his distressed mother. Thankfully, the medical staff were able to remove the coin and the boy is now in stable condition. The main conceptual idea is the importance of quick action and community support in a medical emergency.